Your Details

Enter your name.
Enter your email address.

Enter Listing Details

What is your run club called?
Best email to use for any follow up questions
Please provide your club's website address here, if applicable.
Please provide your club's Instagram handle here, if applicable.
Please provide your club's Facebook page here, if applicable.
Please provide your club's other social media or app details here.
Please provide your club's email address (if different than above)
Tell us a little bit about who your members are, why the club was created, and what people can expect at a session (up to 200 words).
Let's talk about pace. Will your run club cater to run/walkers?
If you meet in person, please provide days/times below.
Tags are short keywords, with no space within.(eg: tag1, tag2, tag3).
SELECT listing category FROM here. SELECT at least one CATEGORY
The default category can affect the listing URL and map marker.
Please enter the address of where you meet.
Click on above field and type to filter list. Address fields are required
Click on above field and type to filter list or add a new region. Address fields are required
Click on above field and type to filter list or add a new city. Address fields are required
Please enter listing Zip/Post Code
Click on "Set Address on Map" and then you can also drag map marker to locate the correct address
Please enter latitude for google map perfection. eg. : 39.955823048131286
Please enter longitude for google map perfection. eg. : -75.14408111572266
Feel free to add a logo or group shot of your run club.
Drop files here


Allowed file types: .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .ico, .webp, .avif
(You can upload unlimited files with this package)
Please drag & drop the files to rearrange the order
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